Courses Benessere

Vegan, vegetarian and intolerant cooking courses


Health and wellness courses

Presenta corsi di cucina dedicati alla salute e al benessere. Corsi di cucina ideali per chi soffre di intolleranze e allergie e vuole imparare a cucinare in completa autonomia, senza rinunciare alla buona cucina e alle gustose ricette fatte in casa. Chi l’ha detto infatti che non è possibile creare piatti prelibati anche per chi, per scelte salutistiche o alimentari, predilige una cucina che utilizza ingredienti alternativi alle ricette tradizionali?

Professional Chefs will guide the participants in the courses through a direct experience where everyone will have their own workstation at their disposal: a fully equipped area of ​​about 500 square meters will be available for training, divided into five cooking classrooms, pastry laboratories, ice cream parlor, pizzeria, bakery and a large assembly hall. Ample space for “zero contamination” areas to guarantee cooking in total safety.

Taking cooking courses for vegans and vegetarians , cooking courses for gluten, lactose and nickel intolerant , cooking courses to eat and stay fit, gli studenti apprenderanno le basi e le tecniche della cucina e della pasticceria, acquisendo quel saper fare che permetterà loro di realizzare antipasti, primi, secondi, dolci e dessert seguendo il proprio stile alimentare. Per gli intolleranti al glutine, una cucina senza glutine dove imparare a fare pasta, pane e pizza a mano; per i vegani ricette con ingredienti che non prevedono derivati ​​animali e per una cucina sana solo materie prime di qualità, con il giusto equilibrio di grassi insaturi, proteine ​​e carboidrati. Scopriamo insieme tutti i corsi in partenza.


Vegans and Vegetarians

In this course we will discover the “secrets” on how to make vegan desserts that are beautiful to look at but above all that satisfy everyone’s palate (not just those who follow an exclusively vegan diet).

Using the basic techniques of traditional pastry, with all vegetable ingredients, and discovering new techniques and combinations, to obtain results on the one hand similar to traditional pastry, on the other unique and surprising for their peculiarity.

Vegan pasta with broccoli. Healthy eating, italian cuisine concept. Close up
Tasty appetizing vegan pasta with vegetables and chickpeas cooked and served on bowl. Closeup,

Vegan pastry course, the basics

All natural raw materials will be used, flours and unrefined sugars and using the latter as little as possible. In this lesson, teachers will teach you how to create elegant and delicious desserts.

You will discover the importance of each stage of preparation, from the purchase to the finished product.

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Finger Food Vegan Course

Educational program
Preparation of specific recipes:

Vegan orange  cake with carob
Gluten free almond rosemary homemade cake decorated by almond and sugar powder on cooling rack, with cup of tea, syrup and fork, vintage chalkboard on over grey wooden background. Flat lay, space

Gluten free cooking class

A modern and above all inclusive key to understand the kitchen. We Italians have made the table a celebration of any moment in life. Precisely for this reason, we must continue to keep our culture alive, allowing everyone to sit down at the table and enjoy the wonderful recipes that have made our history. This is a course based on traditional cuisine that is good for everyone. An entirely gluten and lactose-free cooking itinerary will be presented, ranging throughout the day, making inclusiveness the tastiest ingredien.
Educational program

Most common allergies and intolerances which we must take into account to satisfy our guests, winning solutions and proposals.
Conscious natural spending, procurement of raw materials, choice of alternative flours.

Develop the egg and egg-free pasta dough, different cuts of homemade pasta, which can be made by hand.
Making sauces: tomato and basil and butter and sage (simple sauces, in order to better appreciate and compare the taste and texture of fresh pasta).
Develop the gnocchi dough with Romanesco ragu of chicken trimmings.